
Overutilization In Healthcare

Decent Essays

It is known that the geographical distribution of physicians varies tremendously in different settings. For example, people residing in rural areas are likely to have poorer geographical access to physicians. Furthermore, an article demonstrates that compared to other types of settings, metropolitan counties have the highest physician-to-population ratio across all specialty, with the exception of family medicine. For people who reside in rural areas, this is especially problematic, due to the inaccessibility of specialty medical care (Rosenthal et al, 2015). Rural regions of our country are an example of a place which is heavily underserved medically. Similarly, the same trends occur in other medically underserved areas.

An article makes …show more content…

Part of the cost-driving factor seen here is in the gluttony of physicians who provide care to a patient. In areas which are high in physicians supply, competition might promote utilizing more expensive procedures and treatments in the care of patients. The amount spent on health care is also not beneficial to the outcomes that come out of such care (Emanuel, …show more content…

The evidence shows that even with such increases, most of the new physicians will likely end up in already heavily supplied areas, and the areas which are really in need of new physicians will remain largely underserved. A new model should be adapted in trying to address this issue. Rather than a pure focus on increasing the number of physicians, programs to place physicians in heavily underserved areas should be emphasized. This can be achieved by recruiting students who are from these areas. For example, an article demonstrates that minority physicians (primary care and specialists) are more likely than their counterparts to practice in underserved populations, and care for other minority, poor and underinsured individuals. This can be employed to other populations – for example, people from rural backgrounds are also more likely to served rural populations (Walker et al, 2012). Other ways to improve this is through loan forgiveness programs aimed for physicians who practice in medically underserved regions. Telemedicine is also a creative means to provide access for areas which have great inaccessibility to health care. Furthermore, other professionals such as nurse practitioners, and physician assistants can aid in the provision of care to underserved

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