
Paper On Nelson Mandela

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Nelson Mandela The first black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, once said “Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do”. Nelson Mandela was a man who lived by his words despite his circumstances. Though Nelson Mandela had many accomplishments, Mandela was greatly influenced through his reading and admiration of other leaders. All great leaders have been influenced by others, and these leaders can impact the world such as Nelson Mandela himself. Mandela was born into the royal tribe of Thembu, so his attendance to private schools played a large role in shaping his political beliefs (Chua-Eoan). He began by attending the “highest institution of learning …show more content…

“From the first day, I had protested about being forced to wear short trousers” (Mandela, 387). Although Mandela was granted and given trousers, he refused to wear them unless all prisoners were given the same right, so he continued to shiver as he felt the cold in his bones.Nevertheless, Mandela and his comrades were treated mercilessly during their time at Robben Island. Any chance of communication was taken, and the prisoners developed strategic ways to hear the news. In 1969 conditions at Robben Island began to lighten. The prisoners were assigned their own uniforms and were even allowed to attend church services. Mandela was able to learn through “The University”. With this new system of education, Mandela was persuaded to write a memoir for his sixtieth birthday. Staying up late at night, he wrote with fervor. He gave his writings to a man named Mac who hid it in his study notebooks. After many panics of being found out, Mac sent the notebooks he had to England where “he reconstructed the manuscript…. which forms the spine of this memoir” (Mandela, …show more content…

Though I have read small amounts of it, the struggles Mandela went through to become the great leader he is today is inspiring. I would also read War and Peace simply because it was Mandela’s favorite book. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is on my list as the book lists out issues dealing with betrayal and guilt. Dealing with the importance of combating injustice, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee seems to be a straightforward lesson. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, as I have heard, is a book that would make you angry. The moral lesson is that one should have courage to be themselves and not follow the status quo. Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift is just a staple piece every human being must read. It is a satire on the nature of humans spiced with tales of travelers. Being the science fiction nerd I am, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien seems to be well suited for me along with The Hobbit as the two combine adventure and unnatural beings. I would like to also read The Brief, Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz sounds like an inspiring book and because it contains the quote “I think there is only life. That’s enough.” Lastly, for the hopeless romantic I am, I would like to read The Hunchback of Notre-Dame as it is a tragic love

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