
Paper on Patents

Decent Essays

The very utterance of the word patent frightens us with the sheer complexity and wordplay it can subsume us with. Here is an attempt to demystify patents and the world of legal wrangling. As the lexicon definition goes, it is “the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, or sell an invention for a certain number of years”. However, over the years, as patents and workarounds have evolved, companies have gone out of their ways to exercise monopoly over innovation and prevent competition from innovating in a related area of research and development.
In the US, the International Trade Commission is the disinterested body which oversees trade and takes a final call over unfair trade practices. All patents have to go through a process of prosecution before being approved and pursued in a commercial setting. Patents are also governed by the purview of jurisdiction. In such a scenario, what may apply in The United States of America need not hold true in the United Kingdom.
With that being said, patents have ‘changed’ to become entities which prevent other people from ‘doing’. In other words, patents have regressed from being a mechanism to safeguard innovation to an instrument to cartel against opposition. As far as patents in the world of computers go, there are only hardware patents. There is no such thing as a ‘software patent’. Additional cause for concern is the fact that the boundaries between software and hardware are

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