
Paradise Lost Short Story Analysis

Decent Essays

In Paradise Lost, author Terry Hekker contrasts her new life, as a housewife, with what she had experienced 30 years earlier. In this article, Hekker depicts her personal experience of being a full-time working mother and how much it hurt when when she was divorced after 40 elongated years of marriage. It was mortifying for her to cope with the loneliness she felt after their divorce and, unfortunately she was forced to reestablish herself back from scratch. Defending her point, Terry admits her sorrow/frustration stating, “I wasn't advocating that mothers forgo careers to stay home with their children; I was simply defending my choice as a valid one.¨ (Hecker 38, p5) Hekker has a strong opinion on the matter of being a housewife Unlike “Satisfactions of Housewifery and Motherhood”, where Hekker stated how she enjoyed her role as a stay-at-home mom, Paradise Lost is written differently--to advise mothers/current housewives to have a “backup plan”and a strong education base behind their occupation of Housewifery. By alluding to her past (The Satisfactions of Housewifery and Motherhood) and through the use of her degrading and defensive language, Hekker advises women and other housewives to be prepared for anything to happen to themselves in a marriage.

Hekker’s enthusiasm on the topic of Housewifery shifted completely as her life took a dramatic shift; on her 40th wedding anniversary her husband filed for divorce. She writes, “so i was predictably stunned and

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