
Parallel Experiences of Three Troubled Women in Cunningham's, The Hours

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Parallel Experiences of Three Troubled Women in Cunningham's, The Hours

According to Chronicles magazine, "Woolf was undeniably a brilliant writer." Woolf's work of Mrs. Dalloway was read by fifteen-year-old Michael Cunningham in order to impress an older girl in school. As he stated, "the book really knocked me out." Once older, Cunningham wanted to write about Mrs. Dalloway, but thought not too many people would want to read a book about reading a book. He then thought he might want to read a book about reading the right book. Hence, The Hours was written. Cunningham would incorporate Mrs. Dalloway into "a book about reading a book." The Hours weaves through three woman's lives. As the novel unfolds, it shows that these three women …show more content…

The final narrative deals with Clarissa Vaughn. Clarissa lives in a Manhattan apartment in the 1990s with her 19 year old daughter and lesbian lover. She is overwhelmed with planning a party for a local poet whom she is the publisher. The local poet, Richard, once had a relationship with Clarissa, but is now a dying homosexual with AIDS.

When I look up the meaning of metaphors in Webster it says "a figure of speech in which a work for one idea or thing is used in place of another to suggest a likeness between them." The Hours by Michael Cunningham is enriched with many complex metaphors. While intertwining three different woman's lives, Cunningham uses a wide range of metaphors to help mean something in one story and tie into the next woman's story. Using deconstructive interpretation to investigate these strategically placed metaphors can be difficult and exciting, yet challenging.

The flow of the novel starts as Woolf finds the opening line of her new novel: "Mrs. Dalloway decided she would buy the flowers herself." The flowers would proof an important metaphor in the book. This thought of buying the flowers herself would link Woolf and Clarissa. Clarissa states the same words to her lover in preparing for Richard's party. And yet the flowers would reappear in Laura Browns life as her husband buys flowers for his own birthday. Flowers that normally represent life and color ironically represent sadness and loneliness in this novel.

Death hangs over this

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