
Parenting Styles and Attachment

Good Essays

1. Describe and discuss the connection between parenting styles and attachment.

Sigelman and Rider (2006) state that “Many noted theorists have argued that no social relationship is more important than the first: the bond between parent and infant”. Both Freud and Erikson placed great emphasis on the parent-child relationship and its importance to “normal” development.

Freud believed that the human child is born with natural instincts and drives. The relationship that the caregivers had with the child has a major impact on how this child developed into a mature adult. Erikson’s psychosocial stages are also directly related to the caregiver’s responses to the child.

John Bowlby was a significant contributor to this belief and …show more content…

They are not too concerned with whether they are there or not. Do not explore their surroundings with much interest and show little affection. Parenting style is rejecting, dismissive or intrusive and overly involved.

4. Dis-organised-disoriented attachment – This attachment style is a combination of both resistant and avoidant. The child displays confusion at whether to seek attention from the caregiver or to avoid it. These children do not appear to have a clear sense of how to behave around the caregiver indicating an uncertainty of the response they will receive. Fear may be a large component of this uncertainty. Parenting style is either frightening or frightened.

Bowlby believed that children who suffer repeated separations from caregivers might withdraw from forming relationships as a result. Sigelman and Rider (2006), state that Thomas O’Conner and colleagues named a 5th attachment style. This attachment style, dis-inhibited, applied to some children who for various reasons, such as being institutionalised for more than the first six months of life, showed behaviours such as being friendly to anyone or emotionally withdrawn.

Research suggests that securely attached children carry this into their later years becoming more open to exploration, having more emotionally rewarding lives/relationships and being more independent. Insecurely attached children are more likely than securely attached children to

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