
Pathophysiology And Effects Of Postpartum Depression

Better Essays

Chana Robbins
March 19, 2015
Writing and Rhetoric
Professor Jaffe

The Pathophysiology & Effects of Postpartum Depression After childbirth, around 85% of women experience some sort of mood change. For most, the symptoms, following childbirth are minor and brief, otherwise known as the baby blues. Though, 10 to 15% of a woman’s baby blues manifests and develops into postpartum depression and in extreme circumstances, psychosis (Zonana, J., & Gorman, J., 2005). Postpartum depression is a multifaceted phenomenon with various components. This paper will review the neurobiological and pathophysiology variables that may be connected with postpartum depression.

Postpartum Blues
Women who have recently given birth to a child, anticipate feelings of joy and celebration. Many women, though feel the opposite. They feel tension, worry, crankiness, and exhaustion to name a few. This type of mood disturbance affects 85% of all postpartum women (Joy, S. 2014). Because it is so common, many consider the blues as a normal experience following childbirth rather than a psychiatric illness. Many hormonal changes in the woman’s body trigger the postpartum blues. These symptoms usually arise on in the first week after delivery and may last for a few hours or a few days. While these symptoms are unpredictable and often unsettling, they do not inhibit a woman’s ability to function. No specific treatment is required; however if symptoms of depression persist for longer than two weeks, the

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