
Pathos In The Gettysburg Address

Decent Essays

On November 19 1863, the sitting president at that time, Abraham Lincoln, addressed the nation in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where several soldiers were laid in their final resting place. The purpose of his address was to motivate United States citizens to overcome their conflicts and unite as a nation to ensure the nation’s future after the Civil War and honor the soldiers who died in Gettysburg; Lincoln effectively motivates his citizens through his utilization of the rhetorical devices such as syntax, pathos, and logos. During his historical address, Abraham Lincoln states “…we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground.” (Lincoln). In this statement, Abraham Lincoln conveys that the only individuals who may stake …show more content…

In his speech, he compares the Civil War to a test, a test that challenged America’s strength as a nation and what that they can endure (Lincoln). He utilizes this comparison to evoke a sense of patriotism with his audience. Now that the war is over, the nation can unite as one despite the perils caused by the war. Additionally, Lincoln appeals to pathos by stating “…that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion…” (Lincoln). In this quote, Lincoln is conveying that the American people must devote themselves to their nation and the future of their nation like the soldiers who fought in the Civil War. The soldiers who perished in the civil war gave their last shred of devotion and the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the future of their nation—their lives. Lincoln says this to motivate his audience to unite as one by playing on their emotions. The soldiers who died for America cannot die in vain. Out of a sense of obligation, his audience may feel inclined to act upon the sacrifices the soldiers already made for their country …show more content…

Lincoln states that they world may not remember what they said there, but they may never forget what they did there (Lincoln). The Battle of Gettysburg is one of the most historic battles fought on American soil. Logically, the events that occurred there will never be forgotten. Instead, its events will serve as a lesson and demonstrate that despite past perils, America can emerge as an even stronger if they unite as one nation. His use of logos serves to motivate American citizens to work as a unit instead of fighting amongst themselves. Lincoln utilizes repetition to further inspire the American people through logos. He repeatedly uses the phrase “the people” to convey American’s importance in their own government (Learning Adventures). He is effectively reminding them that they run America’s government and that they must unite to ensure their nations success and secure their future or else they may all

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