
Patrick Henry And Ben Franklin Analysis

Decent Essays

Patrick Henry and Ben Franklin are two men that are very passionate for what they do but have different point of views of how the convention should be. They attend to have power that wants to be heard, to strongly have their opinions taken into simple consideration but not to hurt the people that are in their hands along with the future that they possess in. Patrick and Ben are strong speakers that have their own point of views to be heard. Patrick wanted to fight but with god standing behind him with faith that their doing what's right. He doesn’t just think fighting is the answer he feels as the power of the future of the convention should be somewhat carefully thought of. Patrick has a consideration of its either freedom or slavery,so it is wisdom of fighting for what's right for our country and for what is wrong that our people of our country shouldn’t suffer of in the future that are lives holds. Ben was a logic thinker of not everyone is going to agree with what you think but sometimes taking other people's opinions into consideration is a part of life, to settle some disagreements to offer equal nice throughout different countries so to settle down and make laws that can make everyone happy and okay to agree to disagree for the lives our future is consist of. His goal was to make peace …show more content…

They both believe that the future of the constitution is to put the disagreements aside and figure out what they think is best for the government that they are creating not only for their country but to be peaceful with the countries that border around them that’ll have an effect on the decisions that they

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