
Payday Loans Should Not Be Legal

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the lender is the one who is assuming all of the risk, and they need to charge enough to cover any potential losses if the loan defaults. Payday loans are also much quicker and easier to get than other types of credit, and the large number of payday lending outlets accompanied with typical long business hours (especially compared to banks and credit unions) only add to the borrower’s convenience. Consumers can even obtain a payday loan from the comfort of their homes simply by applying over the internet. In order to do so, all one needs to do is request a loan amount and provide some information before waiting a short period of time before being approved. What makes this even better, is the fact that the consumer can feel safe because payday lenders have encrypted websites to ensure that the consumers information is kept confidential.
Payday loans can easily get out of control, which makes it very important for one to use them only when necessary. Situations such as paying medical bills, covering car repairs, saving money on late fees that could produce a dip in credit rating, etc. are all instances when one should consider a payday loan. With this being said, however, it is crucial to remember that the best way to prevent unmanageable payday loan fees is by not only repaying your loan on time but also by only borrowing an amount in which you will have the means to repay. In some instances, payday loans become problematic once the borrower is unable to repay the loan

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