
Paying Their Taxes Through Loopholes Abusing The Rights Of Equality

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Throughout the past couple of decades, countless amounts of people have begun to wonder at which rate the rich should pay more in taxes. It is known to most Americans in society the rich earn more money they worked hard for, but the more you earn, the more taxes you should pay. The top one percent of wealthy American business owners, etc. have learned ways around paying their taxes through loopholes abusing the rights of equality. It 's not a secret that money causes greed and selfishness. The wealthy are less likely to help those who are in need of help. The poor are forced to go through difficulties when it comes to the financial aspect and have to worry when it comes to how their money is spent. This is unlike the rich however, because they 're paying the same amount of money as someone who’s substantially less than 3 them. With a stale economy right now daily living is hard on people that are in middle and lower class. It is seen as unfair among those of the middle and lower class as their values have decreased, setting wages lower and the wages of the wealthy higher than in previous decades. Cost of living has gone up, it has gotten hard for many people to be able to afford to have common amenities such as housing, food, and health related products. Revenue for defense, education, health care, social security, and so many other needs must come from somewhere Yet the increases of money continue to flow to the rich and less to the poor

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