
Penal Citizenship Essay

Decent Essays

A. Short Answer Questions
1. Penal Spectatorship
T The penal system, which is part of the larger criminal justice system, refers to a matrix of agencies that govern prisons, community-based policies like parole and probation boards, and all its’ constituents. Spectatorship of the penal system signifies the role of people outside the prison structure in preserving the formalities of that system. Specific aspects of our culture have permitted us to adopt certain perspectives towards punishment. The work of prisons systemically dictates our interactions with the use of disciplinary power. Michelle Brown has given us a tangible definition of what a penal spectator.

• Images of penality, 1 o Mass Media
• Structure of penality, 1 o Discursive Nature•

Images of penality
According to author Michelle Brown, mass media portrayals of prison life identify quite a few ways that penal illustrations have infused cultural roots of imprisonment and penality into our everyday lives. Media portrayals, supporting or opposing the images of penality, create a structured penal spectatorship that naïvely accepts the need of the prison and its role. The degradation of prisoners and the evaporated morals established in the penal system have also …show more content…

More specifically, the importance of the soul of the “offender”. His writings illustrated a broader critique of how power works. He deemed it as biopolitics which are the various forms of how power works. Foucault continuously stressed the importance of studying punishment in terms with its positive and negative effects. These effects are in relation to its’ aspects of power. This power can produce and determine who you are and what you do. Positive power is considered production and negative power is seen as repressive. Consequently, productive failure is an enduring feature of the prisons. It is central to reform, which is central to how prison systems

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