
Penny Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

How weird is the fact that making money costs money? Not only that, but in some cases, coins cost more to make than they’re economically worth! Due to this, many believe the penny should be out of production, as should the nickel, potentially. Others believe that the coin’s historical value, with it being similar to a heirloom in terms of age and personal value, should be enough to keep it in production. However, when considering how expensive manufacturing can get and how often the penny is used, it’s obvious getting rid of the penny is the best choice. It’s a strange thought; how money costs money, or how the amount needed to make a few coins could greatly outweigh how much they’re worth. This is only one of many reasons why the Canadian government is debating whether or not to get rid of the penny. Stated by, “Penny Wise, or 2.4 cents Foolish?”, “each zinc and copper coin costs 2.41 cents to make,” and”..’from the standpoint of economics, that’s just a total waste of money,’ Mr. Velde says.”(Sommer). Due to the imbalance, getting rid of the penny is thought the do more good than bad, especially seeing as how insignificant the coin is in purchases in today’s economy; …show more content…

Some still have faith in the penny’s worth- after all, power in numbers. Their argument is, according to “Give a Penny-Save The Day!”, “..because they are worth so little, people don’t mind donating them to charity.”(Waterhouse). As true as this is, this argument only really works for advertised charities that are likely popularized by schools. What about the casual ones one would see on a sidewalk or at a park? If pennies are so useless, would that passerby that happened to be there are the right time just have a jars’ worth of pennies or nickels on hand? Would it be worth it to go back home, get any change they may have, and return? More importantly, would there be enough people passing by to make that big of a

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