
Performance of the Economic Sector in Malaysia

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Performance of the economic sector
In Spite of the day by day challenging global economic circumstances, the Malaysian economy had expanded to 5.1% during the first half year of 2012 compared with the previous year of 2011 which is 4.7% and this has been increased by 0.4%. As the Euro region debt crisis shows no obvious indication of alleviate, the global economic is prospective to further ease up during the second half of 2012. During second half year of 2012, the depravation of the slowdown of emerging economies especially in India and China or the economic growth in developed economies correction in merchandise prices are prospective to weigh Malaysia’s export performance. By reason of the resilient domestic economy and external sector consider cause of downside risk, the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is predicted to extend from 4.5% to 5% in 2012, while the previous year is 5.1%.
For services sector, due to mostly driven by continuous travel-related activities and domestic demand, the services sector grew from 7.1% to 12.9% contrast with first half year 2011. For the overall of GDP growth in year 2012, the services sector is expected to remain resilient which contributing 3 percentages point and expanding 5.5% compared with 2011 which only 7%. As the table shown that, the services sector is the main sector that contribute to GDP growth comprise with other sector such as agriculture and construction. A table is shown below for further review.
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