
Perry In Cold Blood Quotes

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The persona that Capote is able to capture about Perry Smith shows that Perry was someone who really thought about things even when he doesn’t want to. He particularly has issues letting go of the fact that they had just murdered the Clutters. “I think there must be something wrong with us,” (110, In Cold Blood). He cannot let go of the fact that there might be something mentally wrong with them because of what they have done. It doesn’t seem to register with Perry, either, that he really irritates Dick everytime he brings up the crime. “He was annoyed. Annoyed as hell. Why the hell couldn’t Perry shut up? Christ Jesus, what damn good did it do, always dragging the goddam thing up? It really was annoying. Especially since they’d agreed, sort of, not to talk about the goddam thing. Just forget it,” (108 In Cold Blood). Even though Dick and him came to somewhat of an agreement about not bringing it up he still could not let go of the fact that they had done it in the first place. Dick just wanted to get to Mexico and start their new life without bringing up the incident and talking about it ever again. …show more content…

There were times where Perry was like a giant child, according to Dick. “Always wetting his bed and crying in his sleep,” (108 In Cold Blood). Yet also there were times were Dick found Perry spooky as hell because of his temper. Capote uses significant detail to give the reader an insight as to how well Perry was able to hid his anger on the inside and keep his outer appearance unchanged. “ For however extreme the inward rage, outwardly Perry remained a cool young tough with eyes serene and slightly sleepy,” (108 In Cold

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