
Persepolis Expository Response

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Persepolis Expository Response Essay I would describe Marji in the beginning of the book Persepolis as a child that didn't understand everything that was going on in the world. Then again, you have to remember she is a child and wont understand everything shes told or going through, but that's not just with her thats with all children around the world. Although, Marji and I experiences are different, I feel she had to grow up and mature faster than most children because she was going through things most kids in the modern world wouldn't imagine going through. Therefore, she is alike children today and also different from children in the new era. Marji is a child that goes through a lot at a young age. For example, her country is going through revolution and is at war. Although, she probably doesn't understand everything that's going on, she sees that its taking a toll on her friends and family. “At one of the demonstrations, a German Journalist took a photo of my mother. She dyed her hair and wore dark glasses for a long time”.(pg 5) Also, Marji isn't as mature because of her age. She tends to repeat things that hurt people's feelings and doesn't know when to keep certain truths to herself because she doesn't know right from wrong all the way yet. “Don't you know that when they keep saying someone is on a trip, it really means he is dead”? …show more content…

We both had to grow/mature faster than most children would have to. In her case it was because of the revolution and war going on and in my case, my parents were going through a divorce and I had to take care of my younger siblings when my mom was out. Also, Marji had more concerns like if her parents were going to make it home that day or if she was going to be taken. I didn't have to worry about things like that because i knew my parents were safe. If you think about it we are similar in ways and different at the same

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