
Perseverance In The Cuckoo's Egg

Decent Essays

Have you ever found yourself in an undeniably hopeless situation where you just wanted to give up? Although the common aphorism is to encourage people in these situations to persevere and not give up, it’s not as easy as it sounds. However, if you persevere, and endeavor for greatness, astounding feats will emerge from the . Cliff Stoll, the author of "A Cuckoo's Egg" makes this evident through his journey in finding the hacker who penetrated UC Berkeley's databases. Due to lack of money left from his grants, Stoll was forced to relocate to the Computer Center. What seemed like a harmless mistake in the Accounting System logs turned into a laborious journey to try to locate a hacker from across the country. All throughout Stoll's book, he encountered several obstacles that would've discouraged many, making "The Cuckoo's Egg" a brilliant story about perseverance and determination in all types of circumstances.

Early on through the book, Stoll nonchalant narrative approach establishes an amicable relationship with the reader, making his personal experience much more credible and reliable. From the …show more content…

He didn’t lose hope and the courage to continue his studies when he could no longer participate in the Astronomy Lab even though that was his primary reason for going to school. Likewise, when he arrived at the Computer Center in the basement, he gave it his maximum effort. Although Stoll wasn’t fully prepared, content-wise, for the position, he managed to rise up from his disadvantages and continued his time there without being lackadaisical. Stoll’s approach to an unexpected event in which he was left hindered academically was one of perseverance as you can see him continually make efforts to rise above the circumstances. Similarly, Janet Oberholtzer, whom has a published book called “Because I Can”, recalls an event in her life which required discipline, dedication and perseverance.

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