
Persian Gulf War Analysis

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The United States has long been looked as the authority of nations. Thus, when issues broke out in the Middle East, The United States was called to step in. When Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Egypt called for help. Consequently, the Persian Gulf War began, led by the United States that lasted 42 days.
First, I choose to research about the Persian Gulf because it seemed like a very reliable source. This website provided additional information by including a video. Additionally, I liked how the information was accessible in a labeled drop-down paragraph.
Secondly, The Gulf War relates to Unit 13 since the war shows American foreign policy. After the hardships of the seventies, Americans felt like their world dominance had deteriorated. However, by winning the Gulf War it displayed the U.S. policy towards nations that were in need of military aid. Unfortunately, “Though the Persian Gulf War was initially considered an unqualified success for the international coalition, simmering conflict in the troubled region led to a second Gulf War–known as the Iraq War–that began in 2003.” …show more content…

The first being, that the war lasted 42 days. To me, this was surprising because the Vietnam War lasted for nearly ten years! That is quite a big difference. Secondly, something else I found enthralling was that “the objective of which was to win the war in the air and minimize combat on the ground as much as possible.” The reason why this was interesting was that I believe this a smart move from the U.S. Lastly, one thing I could not believe was that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, “was not forced from power.” This was surprising because Saddam Hussein’s ideas continued to spread, thus leading into the Iraq

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