
Personal Essay About Moving To The United States

Decent Essays

One day, my sister told me that I would have a better future if I come to the permanent resident with my mom and stay there all my life. Of course United States offers you many opportunities to work and study. This made me feel grateful, but nevertheless, pained, because my sister gave me another opportunity to improve my skills and obviously, my life. I was going to have another life in another country and this made me stressful I didn’t know what I had to did. I was going to leave my country where I grew up, my father, my family, friends, my study, and other things that I always had and then learn how to grow up and be more independent in the United States. My sister had all prepare for me to travel to U.S. and I didn’t want to disappoint her. She wanted to see me how can I grow up in this country where also she grew up. More than 7 years I did not see her and I missed her. I tried to calm myself and I thought what was the best decision for me. When I arrived in Providence, Rhode Island, my first thought was what is next will happened. United States is a country that you have to work hard to get what you …show more content…

Consequently, this experience has given a lot of talk about me. I define me a strong person, having difficulties, feelings through, without my family and friends. I know I can do this. I am more confident and calmer than when I just came to the United States. I’ve learned that if you give up in whatever thing you do or have negative thoughts you will not be a successful person. Don’t make poor decisions, that is an advice that always have it in mind. I’m moving forward in my school’s grades to try to get a scholarship, make my parents proud. I’m thankful to my parents for teaching me everything I know so far, for being the person that I am today. I’m still trying to learn English and adapted in a new country. I know this is difficult, but not difficult, to overcome this challenge that was for

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