
Personal Essay : I Forgot To Milk The Goats

Decent Essays

I forgot to milk the goats. Funny that’s going through my mind right now, with the whole bleeding out one would think I’d have more important things to deal with. I can still see the body of the little bastard responsible for this, well one of the little bastards anyway. His dark green corpse is prone in its own black blood lying by my knees. Only three feet tall and with just a stone axe he managed to carve out a piece of my stomach before I managed to cave in his skull. I’m not sure if I got the better part of the deal, not with his buddies gibbering a few feet from me. Goblins aren’t particularly known for being kind to things they plan on eating; especially since it’s not uncommon for them to get the whole order of kill first, eat …show more content…

The two males in front seemed to have Warrior jobs as they struggled to hold the line with a mix of swinging their swords and shouting at the goblins to give them pause in charging them en masse. The man behind them seemed more collected as he shot arrows at those who got too close to the line. Judging by the corpses littering the ground in front with arrows jutting out of them, he was more than a good shot and probably the reason the line held in the first place. Unfortunately his quiver seemed almost empty and the deadlock would soon break. The last two were huddled behind him at the base of the hill, I could only make out their heads but it seemed it was a girl bandaging the arm of another boy. If I don’t step in soon none of them would probably make it. I was only planning on checking my traps today and maybe hunt something depending on my luck, now instead I’m facing off against a horde of goblins with just a small hunting bow, rope and a short sword. Not the best idea I’ve ever had but you learn to make do in a pinch. Tying one end of the rope around a redwood beside me I gave it a quick perfunctory tug before dropping the other end over the cliff face. I’m not sure if it was my hissed question or the rope bobbing to a stop over her head that got the girl’s attention but for whatever reason she looked up. “Get your friend to grab the rope and tell the others to fall back as I pull him up.” It wouldn’t much matter to me

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