
Personal Finance Syllabus

Satisfactory Essays

“Should all high schoolers take courses in personal finance?”
#19, By: Creedance

ARTICLE 1: Yes, Education system overhaul should include a new emphasis on financial literacy. This article was all for making personal finance instruction a top concern. It was all about how many high schools are failing badly when it comes to teaching students about how to manage money and only 17 states require high school students to take courses in personal finance. Nan J. Morrison believes that for kids to be successful, they don’t need to learn advanced ideas. However she believes, students do need to know how to open a bank account and how much they need to save each month to reach their goals, she said. They also should know how much money they will need to earn to pay back the money they borrow. She believes that for kids to enter adulthood ready and prepared they should have to take personal finance making them aware of how to open a bank account and many other things you need to know to be a successful adult.
- K. Alexander Ashe
ARTICLE 2: No. Better we get back to basics. …show more content…

He believes that making tougher requirements for teaching personal finance would be a waste of time and money. The Programme for International Student Assessment measured students around the world. In science, U.S. students now rank behind those of Vietnam, Slovenia, Portugal, South Korea and 19 other nations. In reading skills, American students rank 24th, behind Ireland, Estonia, Macao, and France. America’s report card in math is awful. It ranks 39th, behind Russia, Spain, Poland and Macao. Therefore he believes that making personal finance instruction a top concern would weaken our basic learning skills even

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