
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

About five years back, one of my best friends Jonny died, and to this day, I still grieve his death in my dreams and there are some days that I sit around and cry my eyes out. Some people don’t get it. Jonny was a very important part of my life and my brother’s lives. He never seemed to talk very much, but he brought this very positive mood to the group. He was like one of my brothers. His parents were abusive so he kind of had a rough run at it. He was never very book smart but he was very street smart. Nothing could frighten Jonny, he was fearless. I still cannot forget that night with the children and the church that was on fire. On that night, there was a church that was burning to the ground. There were children in the church that could not get out. So, Jonny takes the inicative to go in and get the kids out …show more content…

“Hey, how you doing today?, he said” “I’m ok Today.” “You been thinking about Jonny much today.” “ Yeah a lot actually.” “ Remember what I told you to do when you start thinking about him?” “ Yes. When I start thinking too much about Jonny, then I started thinking about my favorite thing, sunsets.” “Yep, just remember that.” “Thanks Darry, see you later.” “See you later Ponyboy.” There’s another thing that’s been on my mind, my parents died about six months before Jonny died and it has impacted mine and my brothers lives in a big way. After my parents died, my older brother Darry took custody of me and my other brothers. They were in a car accident. A lot of things have changed in the past five years. Like I mentioned before, there are no more brawls with the socs. We also don’t keep in contact with Steve Randle anymore. He moved up north a few years back. Sodapop does not work at the gas station anymore. The gas station closed down two months ago and now he works at a pizza place as a delivery man. Me, Dally, and Darry all work at an automotive shop about a few minutes outside of

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