
Personal Narrative : A Journey At The Roller Coaster

Decent Essays

The first thing we notice as we get out of the car is the heat crashing down on us like a burning blanket. The amusing, exciting overcrowded amusement park as approaching to the gate we could hear the excited shouts of people. The long queue people were shouting for the tickets kids are very energetic to go and have fun with the rides, small kids was also very happy and some were crying.

The time has been over as we move toward the gate my heart is beating and I am thinking in what ride should I go but the scariest, enthusiastic, exciting ride the roller coaster to start with it. As I enter I see the roller coaster again a long queue to wait to enter the roller coaster. The time has been over as I enter the roller coaster I run in a hurry to grab the first seat. As the times come to put the belt over my heart was throbbing out of my mouth slowly the ride begins. I could hear the screams and swooshing noise of the coaster cutting through the wind with butterflies in my stomach. As soon as we ended up the ride I felt I was happily surprised and screamed at the top of my lungs and would love to repeat it again.

The next stop is the go kart arena the cars are in, a very bad condition and the tires were very dirty. Well when I see the the track it is with full of safety surrounded with tires. They give us helmet to cover our face as if we fell we can get hurt and which will save our face. Well we enjoyed the race.

Now it is lunch time while I move towards I see many colorful

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