
Personal Narrative: A Walk At Castlewood State Park

Decent Essays

As my shaky hands gripped the wheel, I knew the ride would be unpleasant. I should've never been behind the wheel. My dad's cousin, Rudi, stayed with my family at the time. One hot, humid Wednesday he took Silvio, my brother, and I on a strenuous hike to Castlewood State Park. The all uphill hike did not feel like a walk in the park. From driving on the dirty, rocky backroads, Rudi’s Audi became dirty. The dirtiness of the car called for a cleaning. Since the day was Wednesday, the “W” in Wednesday stood for “Women's Day,” which gave all female drivers one dollar off discount on their car wash. Jokingly I asked, “Can I take the wheel?” Actually serious Rudi ordered, “Hop in the drivers seat. I don’t want to pass on an amazing discount …show more content…

Then I had been notified of the brake and gas location, but the rest of the directions went straight through my ears. Now shifting the gear into drive, I slowly stepped on the gas. The car flyed forward. Not knowing what to do, I stomped my foot all the way down on the brake. The car jerked forward. In an intense, angry tone my brother Silvio yelled, “BELLLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” While screamed at, I put my foot on the gas again. I put my hands up as if I were surrendering and exclaimed, “I can’t do this anymore!” Not paying attention, a side of a building appeared closer and closer. I realized my foot laid barely on the gas. I slammed the brake again. Luckily I missed the wall by a few yards. With the assistance of Rudi I managed to drive the car to the entrance to the wash. Still shaking from the traumatising experience, the thought of driving and braking through a car wash did not sound pleasant. Before I could utter, “Can you please pay an extra dollar,” a uniformed man approached the side of the vehicle. The man yelled into the car, “Head out and take your personal belongings, we’ll have your car ready in 20

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