
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

When pondering this question, a plethora of memories comes to mind. One moment in my life stands out above all others. On the night of October 3rd, 2014, my life changed forever. While on my way to a travel softball tournament in Raleigh, my mom received a phone call that my older brother had been in a car wreck. After turning around and driving back for four hours, we made it to the hospital around three A.M. Immediately after stepping out of the car, hundreds of people surrounded us; of those people, one of my closest friends rushed over to me saying that two boys were dead. My brother, the driver, physically sustained only a broken wrist, along with the passenger. The high school girl in the back seat was flown to Baptist due to head injuries, but was released after a few weeks. …show more content…

Only my first year of high school, and I had just experienced the most heart wrenching moment of my life. In the following months, I dazed through life without much memory of anything occurring around me. Throughout my freshman and sophomore years, all I remember is attending attorney meetings most weekends of the year. As my junior year approached, my brother faced charges and court dates. In December of 2016, he was sentenced to three months in jail. During this time he missed Christmas, New Years, and family birthdays and events. I remember breaking down from the buildup of emotions, and pushing myself away from those around me. After three long months of paying for phone calls and seeing my brother only once a week, he was released on March 19th,

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