
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

I attach myself to words, certain words and literature seem to draw out my inner optimist. I spend my free time watching biographies and documentaries or reciting poetry of Langston Hughes and although I tip toe over a plethora of quotable sentences and words, I find myself stuck on one in particular. The word that leaves footprints throughout the sands of my mind is “Triumphant” /trīˈəmfənt/ the dictionary defines the word as “feeling or expressing jubilation after having won a victory or mastered a difficulty.” In layman’s terms it’s just considered “winning” but Triumphant to me means so much more. Growing up I have had my shares of troubles, I’ve had my shares of trials and tribulations that ended up diminishing my hope. Quite honestly …show more content…

during one day which seemed like fate I sat and I was at a point where I wondered where it is that I go from here? (Here being my current situation) I felt like I had no clear understanding on the concept of “being an adult” frustrated I set time aside and moved some boxes looking to organize what was at the time a disastrous room hopping to get my mind off the situation at hand and a book my teacher gave me as a graduation gift rolled out. It was marked with her well known insignia which was a cursive “s” inside of a overlapping “o” I sat on the side of my mattress as I skimmed through the pages till I reached a note, the note read as “Nothing can resist the person who smiles at life - I don't mean the ironic and disillusioned smile of my grandfather, but the triumphant smile of the person who knows that he will survive, or that at least he will be saved by what seems to be destroying him. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin” Given that I’m a millennial and I grew up through the age of flourishing technology, my attention span falls short from time to time, but the quote had me in complete awe and out of all 48 words that made up the poem the few that made my heart stop as if my beat was paused were ”the triumphant

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