
Personal Narrative Cheerleading Competition

Decent Essays

I became a National Champion performing on a fractured pelvic bone and a reattached hamstring; it sounds very reckless of me but hear me out. I was a part of a competitive cheerleading team my freshman year and was - or still my favorite sport.
During the very first competition of the season, I overextended my legs and came down wrong after doing my jump sequence. After that competition I had a dull pain in the lower part of my hip on the left side, my coach simply diagnosed my pain as a "hamstring pull" so I went through most of the season with this pain in my hip. As I went through the season the pain became so chronic that I struggled to sit at school and it hurt to walk so my mother decided to take me to the doctor. An MRI showed that I had an avulsion fracture of the ischial tuberosity, which was the bony part of the pelvis where the hamstring tendons attached. The doctor told me that my hamstring was torn off and when it did it separated a piece of bone away from my pelvic but in my case my hamstring began to reattach itself. I received the diagnosis two weeks before the Battle of the Beach National Championship which was the biggest competition of the season. As a result of this diagnosis, I was referred to a physical therapist. He was adamant that if I continued cheerleading I would require …show more content…

Quickly I came up with my resolution, I would perform at the competition and then I will retire from cheerleading to focus on recovery. While my mother was against my decision I reminded her that I had to stay true to myself and my beliefs. I believed that an individual should have integrity, fulfill their obligations, put the welfare of others before your own, and face fear, danger, or adversity. As a result of my decision, I was able to help the team at the competition and come out with a National Championship

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