
Personal Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

“What do you want to whip up today, sweetie?” my grandmother asked as I ran in the house soaking wet from sitting on the flaming hot bus. Many different pleasurable, delicious foods shot into my mind like a bullet shot from a gun; I wondered what activity we would do after eating. It never failed; my grandmother always had a way of lifting my spirit after a tough day at school. It is the memories of our bond that will forever hold a place in my heart. As the bus arrived at my grandmother’s house, I looked out of the bus window and seen my sweet, little, petite Granny standing at the doorstep. My grandmother, Hazel Baulch, “Granny” to eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. She has a smile that can brighten anyone’s day. Her hair is …show more content…

She is always up running around like chicken with its head cut off. My granny and I always do many entertaining activities. We always enjoy cooking foods, clean and pick up around her house, work in the garden, go to church, read books, and put puzzles together. My granny and I cook many of different delicious foods. One of my favorite foods that we make together is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The thick and sweet taste in my mouth as I try my best to swallow the peanut butter is the part that I abhor the most. It is almost as if the peanut butter is screaming all the way down my throat saying, “Don’t swallow me!” Even though the chunky brown Jiff peanut butter is sticky and gunky, the moist purple grape jelly is sweet and slimy. My granny always fixes me an icy glass of cold milk. After stuffing my face with peanut butter and jelly, my granny and I would happily walk to her garden and pick a red and green, juicy, plumpish watermelon. Even though I’ve always been an indolent child, I would still love to go to the garden and pick anything she needed me to. The taste of the sweet, salty, cold fruit mushing in my mouth is like walking the streets of gold. Last but not least my favorite dessert that we make is homemade chocolate chip vanilla ice cream. The feeling of the frozen, icy, smooth cream gliding down my throat is an amazing feeling. Ice cream is a go to food when I feel like I’m having a heat stroke. My …show more content…

Her house is two-stories and built of bricks and white panels; she has a huge yard with enormous oak trees and beautiful sprouting roses in her flower beds. On the front porch hangs a great big white wooden swing, where my granny and I sit and talk about old fun memories. Also, on my granny’s porch are two rocking chairs and a bench that is covered with red cushion. As you sit on the swing, you’re able to see my granny’s garden and huge, grazing fields and pastures full of cows. Even though I’ve always been an indolent child, I would still love to go to the garden and pick anything she needed me to. Her garden has an abundance of vegetables and fruits like: corn, tomatoes, okra, cucumbers, squash, muscadines, watermelon, and even cantaloupe. The green grass and the alluring, beautiful, blue sky are replenishing to my soul. On the backside of her house is a rock, concrete patio with picnic tables and umbrellas. As you look out beyond the pastures, you will find an immeasurable, red and white barn full of hay bales and John Deere tractors. Man how I love jumping on the bales; it was like I was jumping on the clouds. Walking through the back yard, you will hear the roosters crowing. My granny and I love feeding the roosters and chickens our left over scraps. It was almost like they loved peanut butter jelly and watermelon more than we did. Playing outside in granny’s yard, is better than being on

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