
Personal Narrative: Every Child Counts School

Decent Essays

With almost no governmental support, the donation driven, Every Child Counts School (ECC) is positioned as one of the most highly respected learning institutions in the Abaco islands. This respect is generated through the schools commitment to compassionate, ethnically inclusionary practices in assisting young community members whom might otherwise be ineligible or omitted by the public school system due to the disabilities they live with. As a mature, visiting placement student, I was welcomed and immediately indoctrinated into the schools philosophy around care and support.
As I am a carpenter by trade, the head instructor, Marsden Lawley (Mars is a trained behaviorist) placed me in charge of the wood shop and assigned me several older male students with the aim of completing maintenance projects in and around the school. The idea was to train these individuals in the multidisciplinary aspects of building maintenance to provide them with some rudimentary skills that could foreseeable bring them work upon graduation. As the days turned to weeks I, under Mar’s tutelage, began to see that the completion of the assigned tasks was tertiary behind both the process of learning and the development of the students communicative skills. With this understanding, we (the students and I) began broadening the scope of our interactions by spending considerable time in free form conversation. …show more content…

This, above all else, was one of the most important tools that this placement bestowed upon me.
In conclusion, I felt that this placement thoroughly lived up to and surpassed my expectations. It truly had many life and social work practice changing moments that will serve me, and those I work with, throughout my

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