
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

When I was in kindergarten, my mom who had just broke up with Wane A.K.A. the worst person on Earth, met my soon to be step-dad, Chris. They dated for a little bit, about three years or so. Chris was awesome, he would play super-heroes with me, and even let me jump on the couch. Then, one day, mom and Chris announced to both his family, my mom’s family and me, that they are going to get married. A year after the announcement we went on Royal Caribbean’s “Oasis of the Seas”, which was so big, it felt like being on the Titanic. We had a wedding on water, the taste of sea salt made me think of making cookies with my grandma. The day after the wedding I almost chopped my big toe off trying to stop the elevator door from closing. The doors felt like two razor blades …show more content…

As she did everyone was awestruck, and all of a sudden it went silent. It was creepy sense both families are Italien. She asked me if I wanted a baby brother,not knowing the trouble I had just given myself on a silver platter. I said “OK.” Like it was no surprise, almost like I was lifeless at that one miniscule moment. I tried to come up with names, and every time Chris or mom would give a name, I would scream “NO-UH”, like I was being made to watch my mom and Chris be beaten to death in front of me. Eventually we were down to two names, Dominick and of coarse, Noah. We decided on Noah, I was the fifth person to hold him in the hospital and out of those five people, including the doctor, and my three aunts, I was the only one to get him to open his eyes.When I first saw him, he was as small and petite as a newborn mouse. Now at four years old, Noah is a little demon, he hits, punches, kicks, spits, screams so loud it makes your whole brain shake, and sometimes even bites me. It didn’t help that he was going through a super-hero phase. I always hoped he would wake up late enough to let us all sleep just a wink on christmas

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