
Personal Narrative: Gender Identity

Decent Essays

As I started to mature and become more cognizant of the world around me, I also began to understand concepts that have been brought into the spotlight in recent years, such as the LGBT movement and the possible sexual orientations of people. I easily accepted and embraced the possibility that a person of one sex can be attracted to a member of the same sex or to both sexes; in my opinion, love is limitless and can be expressed by anyone to anything. However, there was a component of the LGBT community that confused me somewhat: the concept of transgendered people, or those that expend a large of time and money to permanently adopt the appearance of the opposite sex due to a conflict between their gender identity and the gender that was determined …show more content…

One example of this that particularly disturbs me is the story of Stefonknee Wolscht, a middle-aged Canadian man who left his family to pursue life as a young, pre-pubescent girl. When I heard of this story, I could not get over the fact that an adult man with children abandoned his previous life and responsibilities to become a girl. I have acknowledged the fact that the vast majority of transgendered people are not like this at all, but the precedent that this person set for me in regards to transgendered people has left me a bit shocked and outraged. The reports of children who desire to change their gender has also left me quite incensed. I can somewhat understand teenagers deciding to transition, but adolescents, in my opinion, do not have the experience and knowledge needed to make such a irrevocable decision. The discovery of these reports has significantly altered my view of transgendered from curious and wary to confused and appalled. Despite this, I know that there are steps that I can take to improve my attitude towards transgendered …show more content…

For example, my high school has a small yet proud group of LGBT students that my circle of friends tends to interact with frequently. My interactions with them and seeing the issues they face at such a young age has softened my view of LGBT people, especially transgendered people. I believe that any effort to learn about the issues that transgendered people face will foster a greater sense of sympathy and caring instead of fear, thus helping me in my journey to become tolerant of everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, race, or

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