
Essay On American Sign Language

Decent Essays

Honestly American Sign Language was my favorite class in High School. It was literally the only reason I would show up to school most days. See, school really was not my thing. I would go to class, learn whatever was taught and do enough work to still pass. That is all school was do enough to pass to the next grade so it could all be over. I had no plans for college after graduation, zero ambition to continue my education in any subject. That was until I transferred from Spanish to ASL. My Junior year I finally switched languages. It was a mandatory requirement for graduation and I grew sick of conjugating verbs. Almost all of my friends have been talking ASL since freshman year, I never heard any complains so why not give it a try? I am …show more content…

My senior year Mrs Lori Harris introduced me to another side of the language. She did not just sit up in front of the class and gave 100 vocabulary words. She introduced me to Deaf culture, the life of being Deaf, the deaf community. I was taught about their trials and tribulations and grew a new respect for the deaf, a respect I now see everyone should show. with my skills and this love for the language I knew I had to do more. I would even sign with the elderly deaf ladies that would come to visit my job ( JCPenney). JCP had to be the best part time I worked, I gained seniority so quick I did whatever I wanted. Being 16,17,18 working over middle aged people was so cool even if it was just a department store I earned my spot and worked up as far as I …show more content…

That’s not completely skilled, though I am getting there. I honestly wish that I was good at something else, something that I enjoy. Art for example. Art is like my therapy, I need some sort of substance to keep sane. Weekly trips to the museum, art blogs, history and the stories behind the work is all so simulating to me.This great obsession with Art and I can not produce a lick of it myself. Not a brush stroke nor a straight line, its terrible. I must say I am such a procrastinator, it has been this way since high school. I feel as if my work is always better at the last minute. Though there is so much work to be done here at Kent State I can not procreate any longer, I must do better. I have 3 papers due tomorrow and I am only on my second and I might just miss sleeping tonight. This is where things become overwhelming. I am great with organization if it is done in a timely matter, if not I am stressed and

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