
Personal Narrative: I Believe In Pursuing Dreams

Decent Essays

I believe in pursuing dreams

Ever since we were kids we all had dreams. I think these dreams are precious to everyone but the more you grow up the more and more people look down on you for trying to pursue your dreams if they do not meet the “norm” or if people don't understand or know what you are trying to pursue.

We all have dreams, dreams that we let go or just didn't want anymore all of them help shape us into who we are and who we are going to become but this is where I think society norms start to poison your mind. This poison makes you meet their norms. Think of a normal job. You probably thought of an office job behind a desk with a computer. Now think of your dream job. This could range from anything. So I will not try to guess what you were thinking, but I will share mine. I am sure if I tried hard enough I could remember before this moment but one of the youngest memories I can think of is me sitting on a couch …show more content…

This is where a moment struck me that I would want to do that and since that moment I have been working as hard as I can to become as best as I can at the game, But once again this is where society norms have been trying to crush my dream for five years now. The amount of people that have helped me and supported my dream can be counted on one hand. I can't count how many times people just say that sounds stupid and I doubt that is possible. Even with all this hate I have continued to pursue my goal of going into competitive E-sports as a player. Even some of my family has put my dream down. I am currently top 2% of all of North America in league of legends and if that is as far as I can go I will have learned a life lesson that is very hard to put into words and that is the failure of my dreams although I kept going for

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