
Personal Narrative: Moving To A New School

Decent Essays

Moving to a new town and having to transfer schools was not always fun. July of 2010, I’m starting a whole new life in a different town again. It is always a struggle making new friends and trying to fit in. Having to transport from town to town in order to go to a school is extremely frustrating. I was not accepted on the bus or in this new school of mine. I was afraid to ride the bus for the first time because there were older kids who looked like they could beat you up by just staring you. I thought I would be alone through this journey, but as I grew older I realized, I was wrong. Throughout my years attending Harrisburg Middle and High School, I faced my fear, developed life-long friendships and gained wisdom.

Granted, I automatically hated any school I was forced to …show more content…

We sat next to each other in Social Studies, and she turns to me and says, “Hi, I am Elissa, what is your name?” Since then, we were friends for a while, but I do not think her group of friends seemed to like me, so we drifted. I made a new friend named Mackenzie. We were close friends, we had sleepovers, went to places together, went on adventures. That friendship also drifted. I thought I would be the only Asian in my entire eighth grade, but I found a girl who was Filipino, her name was Samantha. Since we bonded really well, we are still close friends to this day. Whenever we are together it is full of laughs and awesome adventures. High school finally came and I thought I would last with a big group of friends, but it is Junior year and I only have 2 good friends in my life. Do not get me wrong, I love having a small group of friends, but I was told half my life that you will still have the friends you have from elementary or middle school when you graduate. Time went on, and I realized that most friendships do not last forever. Those people you knew throughout your school years most likely will not be in your

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