
Personal Narrative: My Career Goals

Decent Essays

I admit it feels foreign to write about a simple topic such as my career goals, especially after years of strict APA formatted research papers. With that in mind, I will try to keep this sweet, short, and to the point. If asked about my career goals last year, I would have stressfully answered to graduate nursing school and pass boards. It’s amazing how time has a way of making seemingly impossible hurdles a thing of the past. Currently, my career goals consist of completing my Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN), gaining a permanent appointed with Veterans Affairs, and eventually advancing my academic career with a Master’s Degree (MSN).

Before entering the 2-year associates nursing program at Pensacola State College, I knew that I ultimately wanted my bachelors. Aside from the continuing education perspective, there is a growing expectation among employers for nurses to earn their BSN to better provide quality care. Therefore, creating more career doors to BSN-prepared nurses. I began the BSN program immediately after completing the ADN program as a conditional admission, and passed state boards a few months later. It has been a long journey with struggles along the way, but I’m not done yet. With my second …show more content…

Many of my family members are veterans who fought for this country. They were all blessed to have come back to us, but not without physical and mental scars. I want to make it my mission care for veterans and their families to best of my ability. I know it may take some time to reach this goal but, with time, I plan to gain the necessary experience and training to succeed. Also, there are a vast number of benefits with working with VA, specifically the versatility of using my current FL nursing license in all 50 states. VA offers a lifelong career and lifelong learning that can help define my career in its early

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