
Personal Narrative: My First Roller Coaster Ride

Decent Essays

I am a piece of clay, just as every person is. We will never be a set shape. Instead, we are molded. That molding depends entirely upon what molds us. At the beginning of life, we are molded by the hands of loving parents, but once we leave that safe-place, we are on our own. At that point, we can be tossed, slammed, poked at, and sometimes even ripped apart. One important event in my life that molded me and has helped make me the person I am today was my first roller coaster ride. Amusement rides don’t usually change a person’s life, but the first time I went on a roller coaster, I found myself stepping off the ride as an entirely different person. Most people conquer their fears on thrill rides, but instead, I conquered the one thing most people are terrified to face. Something that’s more horrific than monsters and demons, and that is yourself. For me, the ride was more of a journey than anything. From the beginning to the end, I learned a lot about myself, my life, and who I wanted to be during the duration of what felt like years, but lasted only minutes. Everybody wants …show more content…

Before the ride, I was a thrill seeking, passionate, and obsessive child. After the ride, I was a cautious and realistic young adult. The way reality slapped me in the face left me wounded at first. Sleepless nights, terrifying nightmares, and periods of silence were all a part of the healing process. Eventually, I got over it. The roller coaster ride shrank to a mere pest. I could conquer it, but of course, not all on my own. My mind and my heart are slowly learning to make unanimous decisions. Today, I find myself thinking about the whole event less and less. What was once my worst nightmare is now another picture in the photo album. It was a mere chapter in my life’s book. It no longer matters what happened then. What matters is that I learn from my past and continue to move forward into building my

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