
Personal Narrative: My Journey To Basketball

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Growing up in different parts of the country, it’s easy to feel out of place. When I would go somewhere new, the best way for me to acquaint myself with the people was through basketball. Basketball was universal, when I would go to the basketball court I didn't need to know anyone I could just play. Most of the friends I made outside of school out of the United States came from the basketball court. In Canada it was stress relief after high school, I’d go play for hours after school just to forget about the pressures of every day. When I lived in Israel and Germany it was the most fun place to be, going to the court with friends or finding a pickup game, gave me the energy to be a happy individual day in and out. I eventually came to realize basketball was something in my life that I was happy to do at any time. Pick up games and practicing at some point felt unfulfilling and I wanted something more from the game. In Germany, it was when …show more content…

Many before have made the jump from Junior college to a Division one school, especially coming from a prestigious program such as Mott. Greg Hamlin is a former Mott player who went on to play at East Tennessee State which is a division 1 school in the Southern Conference of the NCAA. Following him is like the roadmap to any JUCO players success as he eventually went pro overseas. When interviewing him he stated that understanding the obstacles in which you are going to face in the transition is important. The largest of these obstacles being a lethargic attitude or not having a drive to work hard. “Everything you do is based off of your work ethic. If you start to the workouts as beneficial rather than just mandatory than you will be much more successful.”-Greg stated. Greg helped me get an understanding of other types of obstacles that aren't necessarily a bad thing but I will have to know how to approach

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