
Personal Narrative: My Journey To The Baseball Field

Satisfactory Essays

When I was in the fifth grade a friend and I had made that decision that I should become a part of his town baseball team. When I got home from school that day I asked my mom if I could join and her answer was no. The next day at school I talked to my friend and he told me that his practice was that night and that I should come and try it out. He told me that he usually rides his bike because his dad is not home and that we could meet up and go together. So when I got home my mom was home and around the time I needed to leave to meet my friend she usually went to the nearby school to walk around the track for exercise. She had asked me if I wanted to go with her I declined and she left. I started my journey to the baseball field that was probably …show more content…

After this my friend and I started our bike ride back to his house. We arrived and it was probably around seven o’clock at night. I was pretty tired and did not feel much like riding all the way home. My friend and I came up with the plan that I could just camp out across the street from his house and take the bus with him to school the next morning and then go home on my normal bus at the conclusion of school. We said our goodnights I made my way across the street behind some rocks and settled in for the night, there was a bar next door that had a volleyball game going on so I watched that till it was over and tried to go to sleep. I was not able to go to sleep because of how cold it became outside. I tried to make a blanket with the grass over my exposed parts of my legs but still continued to shiver. I am not sure what time it was when the police showed up at my friend’s house looking for me. The police talked to my friend and his parents and were pointed my location across the street. The police found me put my bike in the trunk of their car and drove me back

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