
Personal Narrative: My Life In New England

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It is about that day of the week again, Sunday. I woke up to the wooden planks used for the floor creaking as daddy went to wake Jonnie and Suzie up for church since Billy, Andrew, Holly and I have passed the age of twelve the expectation is to wake each other up or wake ourselves. That is the bad part about living in the New England colony, there is no sleeping in on a Sunday not just once. Also, we have to get up even earlier because we living in the middle of town and city. The year is sixteen-twenty, and at the moment we are living in Massachusetts, but daddy wants to move to Rhode Island because he says there tolerant- or something like that. Even though I really just want to sleep I know I have to get up and wake Holly, Billy,And Andrew.Daddy briefly told us about one of his …show more content…

Today´s service lasted until twelve in the evening. After we got home Jonnie and Suzie went to play tic-tac-toe. As momma and daddy had arranged for Bill, Holly, Andrew, and I to go to the town market which took just about twenty-five minutes to get to. I love going to the market, because I love the sound of the carriage wheels hitting the cobble stone street. After we arrived, Billy and Andrew went straight to the market as me and Holly walked around a bit. When I was younger I would always wonder why Daddy never let me and some of my other siblings go into town and i understand why. After we passed the Millinery store which momma owned; dead in the middle of town, Mr.Henderson, the blacksmith was in the stocks. I have heard of them if you did bad or broke a law but I never actually thought that they were real, I just had to talk to Mr.Henderson and see what he had done, as I walked is Holly advised me not to but I just had to know. As walked up he closed his eyes, and said ¨Missed church this Sunday, did not go.¨ I did not say a word and I just walked

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