
Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Bahamas

Satisfactory Essays

My vacation 2015 was amazing, my friends and I went to the Bahamas. The first thing we did was get our hotel room, it was so beautiful. The beds had bed spreads covered in flowers, pink, blue, orange, and red. Our room had a amazing view on the beach and we couldn’t wait to jump in it. The water was so blue, cold, and the way it glowed in the light like a diamond. When we got in the water we instantly started to have the time of our lives, dunking each other, playing chicken, and hanging in the water. Then next day we went to this spa, and it smelled so fruity. It reminded you of a fruit salad mixed with a summer breeze. We wished our vacation was more than three days, but it was ok we made that last day count. So, we hit the beach one last

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