
Personal Narrative-Racism

Decent Essays

It was a scorching hot day and the wind was blowing the trees of the overgrown frost. I was at Bur Mill Park getting ready for a tennis match. I had on a red cornerstone shirt and a tennis skirt. My brown skin and dark- brown hair were burning in the sun. Mrs. Gulden, my tennis coach, was a miniscule lady with short-blonde hair. Mrs. Gaulden had just called our team over to review the line-up. As usual, I maintained my spot as the 5th seed. My team lined up and my coach called out the line-up one by one, as we met our opponents. My opponent was rather tall and maintained a menacing presence. She had medium sized light brown hair and peach colored skin. Although I can’t remember my opponents name, I was startled by her presence. Together, we walked over to the court and began our warm-ups. After five minutes into our warm-up, we began the match. While we began the match, I could feel my heart racing and my hands touching the softness of the racquet. My feet were perfectly positioned and ready to race towards the ball. All I could feel and taste was sweat dripping from my body. The ball was passed over, and I returned it back with ease. I had an inalienable sense of pride and determination. Feeling confident, I won the first two games in the match with …show more content…

It was large and demon like. Its wings fluttered like a helicopter that went hay-wire. I knew this was the end, because stink bugs were my worst fear. I was able to pass back ball a few times; however, my performance weakened. More stink bugs were coming in, and the situation was too much for me to control. The stink bugs and I were in a full fledge war. As my performance weakened, I started losing the games in my match. All I could smell was the aroma of dead stink bugs that I had skillfully killed. The stink bugs were dead, but I lost the next eight games in the match. There was about twenty or more stink bugs harmed my chances of winning the

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