
Personal Narrative: Returning To My Country Roots

Decent Essays

Returning to My Country Roots

Recently I took a trip to Nashville, and YES it was so much fun, I learned a lot about my business, met some of my AWESOME business partners, but most of all I got back my Country Roots !

Yes, I have country roots !

While I was in Nashville, I had the opportunity to do a live Country Heat Class, hangout at a couple of Country Dance Clubs, with my awesome team, and learn more about creating a successful online health coaching business, it was so much fun !

When I returned home I had return to my country roots, and claim back my CowGirl Status by buying a cowgirl hat that matched my cowgirl boots that I bought last year after seeing Taylor Swift in concert.

Watch the video below to find out more about my country roots. :) …show more content…

Country Heat is a new dance workout that is set on a country music beat. It was created by Autumn Calabrese in collaboration with Beachbody and officially released in July 2016 at the Beachbody Coach Summit Conference. Yep, I was there, and I was one of the first to buy mine.

Basically, Country Heat is all about dancing to country music for 30 minutes and the fact that it's set on country music makes it low-impact enough for anyone to follow and

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