
Personal Narrative Style Analysis

Decent Essays

Through the years I’ve had to learn to adopt different learning styles. Starting school in the late sixties, there was little emphasis on why students learned differently. Students were to memorize and understand what was put before them. I recognize now the difficulty I faced possessing traits of an “auditory”, “visual”, and “kinesthetic” learner trying to conform to the rigid structure of comprehension and memorization the material put before me. In my early school days I was considered too much of a distraction, and insistently corrected to force my compliance, keeping my hands in my pockets or behind my back. The frustration of myself and my educators from bending an individual to fit the curriculum had a lasting effect influencing my …show more content…

Written expression of my needs and ideas still comes with some difficulty. It has taken six years of writing and spell check including countless hours of my husband’s help to learn grammar and spelling I should have memorized years ago. Thank goodness for spellcheck! My ability to remodel a house, run a business, write a proposal, and tackle most media never ceases to amaze me. However, questioning my recall on the spot can still be problematic. I close my eyes to give directions. Sometimes, I will recite the alphabet to recall a person’s name. A face, though, I rarely forget. Even from the back, I recognize someone from their walk or hair. The struggle with memory led me to choosing classes carefully until a philosophy class. As the professor handed us the test my mind drew a blank, even in spite of the thirty hours of studying. After handing the test back it occurred to me the questions I answered incorrectly were obvious and easy. Per the “kinesthetic” learner, one person labeled me a “spreader” because I must have piles of work and personal belongings in sight for efficiency. I also prefer to touch everything. A trait my mother wasn’t fond of and why, till this day, I still find myself with hands behind my back or in my pockets, repeating her corrective behavior, especially in

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