
Personal Narrative: Sumerian Civilization

Decent Essays

Oh man. I just traveled back 5000 years. Not only am I going back in time, but I’m also teleporting about 6,400 miles away from the US, to what is now known as Iraq. I am going to Mesopotamia and shape-shifted myself into an artisan. Not only do I take the body of the artisan but I can also take the mind of the artisan. I am now fully prepared to take the jump. I am not sure how bad it will be, and if I will be the same afterwards. If all goes as plans, I am able to retain my personal thoughts and feelings and still be able to take the feelings of the person I’m taking over. Time to jump. Wow! I am now officially in Mesopotamia. My body is transformed, my thoughts are transformed, and my own knowledge is still within me. I don’t …show more content…

Some of the goods are gold, silver jewelry, and fine pottery. These goods are traded throughout Mesopotamia’s cities. I would make a living off of supplying the wealthy. If Sumer didn’t have artisans like me, the city would lose a major part of its lifestyle. We provide them something to trade. Mesopotamia had very little amounts of natural resources, making our jobs vital. We trade the metals and precious stones in with others civilizations, like Babylon, for the materials that we are derived from. Within the city, the people barter goods with each other. It seems as if the center of all trade is the temple. I have always heard Mesopotamia was one of the first true civilizations in history. Considering that it is one of the first, the society is well run. A form of government, religion, and economy are set up. The kings here make laws and decide whether to declare war on another city. The kings only rule one city as opposed to the whole civilization. After the king makes a law, a group of people give their thoughts on it. If they think that the law is pointless, they tell the king and more often than not, the king listens because if not, he is

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