
Personal Narrative: The Game That Changed My Life

Satisfactory Essays

I have always loved the game loved the smell of the fresh grass that hits you like a truck when you run onto the field, loved the sound of helmets clashing together as our enemies try to take us down. This game has always been my life, it's always been so important to me, but now at the ending of my senior year I run out on the field with a weight pulling me down. I think about college and that i have zero scholarships… yet. I promised myself that I would one day make it big. I promised myself that i was going to support my family. My mother worked three jobs trying to keep me and my younger brother and sister going. She told me every day never stop pushing and to strive to the best I could possibly be. She wasn't like other moms that told their kid that they played so good, she told me the things I did good and the things I did bad. …show more content…

I want them to have everything and I want my mother to have everything she wants. As I step out on the field I here a POW! In my head that puts me back in the zone. FOOTBALL...FOOTBALL...FOOTBALL was the only thing I thought the whole game. My mom came up to me after the game and gave me the biggest hug ever and started screaming YOU HAD 489 PASSING YARDS! As i got into the lockers everyone started jumping up and down and getting excited coach had told them about how many passing yards i had. Coach P came up to me and squeezed me real tight and I thought he would never let me go. He was about as big as a black

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