
Personal Narrative: The Holocaust By Tadeusz Borowski

Decent Essays

Graphic Novels and Personal Narratives:The Holocaust
Throughout history, our ancestors have used images and words to describe/project voice, events, and emotions. However, as time moved on, pictures and words began separating. In the beginning of time, pictures were the primary way of communication. As time progressed, humans began to become critical thinkers, embracing words to express themselves. In turn, creating great pieces of literature. But, as a consequence both were treated as separate. Until now, words and images work cohesively to add more emotion to a storyline/narrative in Graphic novels. Graphic novels are pieces of literature that convey a powerful message through a series of words and images. Graphic novels also create a unique one of a kind lens that the …show more content…

He decided to use words in order to allow the reader to empathize with his emotions. Borowski, writes his experiences as a way to express himself. He uses hard-hitting language that makes the reader do a double-take. Borowski writes, “Ah on the contrary, it is natural, predictable, calculated. The ramp exhausts you, you rebel-and the easiest way to relieve your hate is to turn against someone weaker.” (Borowski, 9) In this quote, the author realizes what he’s done and another character provides valuable insights into his actions. Borowski claims that the easiest way to rebel is to turn against someone weaker. This way for the Gas Ladies and Gentlemen is a great example of a piece that is open to interpretation. In this piece, Borowski describes the horrors of the Holocaust and his emotions that go along with it. He describes graphic scenes and yet provides commentary on the acts performed. Many readers feel inclined to feel empathy because of the human emotion that is shown through his words. Additionally, Borowski uses the same approach that Spiegelman uses in Maus to draw the reader in. They both use emotion to convey

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