
Personal Reflection on Young Goodman Brown by Nathanial Hawthrone

Decent Essays

Response Essay The story “ Young Goodman Brown” by author Nathanial Hawthrone begins, with a sense of agony or fear right before the departure of Faith’s husband Goodman Brown. It became a little suspenseful as the theme became more climaxed and mission just before Goodman proceeded into the forest. However, before entering the forest I felt sympathy for Goodman as the reader. It almost seemed as if Goodman just wanted to continue being holy and stay on his start and narrow path to Christ. As a reader, I could tell Goodman wanted to commit no sins, however, how common are promises made to our savers that this will be are last sin? I congratulate the author, Nathanial Hawthorne for his genuine job of describing the forest. While reading the …show more content…

Yet, there was the blue arch, and the stars brightening in it” (Nathaniel, Hawthrone pg.333). This look uncertainty alters him to change his perspective, while witness that “With Heaven above, and with Faith below, [he] will… stand firm against the devil,” even though the very next scene, “a black mass of cloud darkens both the sky and his perspective and propels him fully into a demonic state” (Nathaniel, Hawthrone pg.333). It is then that he cries out, “My Faith is gone! … There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name. Come, devil! For to thee is the world given” (Nathaniel, Hawthrone pg.335). The “tempest” of the forest at this time “drives him onward” in his madness until he reaches his climax (Nathaniel, Hawthrone pg.336). While reading the story, I noticed a lot of symbolism and foreshadowing. The author Nathaniel disguised it very well at the beginning. The clever idea of making Goodman Brown’s wife Faith a symbol of actually faith seemed marvelous. Faith is the only symbol of hope in the story. She is a symbolic of love, as in the love between man and woman, and also the love, faith and devotion he has in God. In an auditory mind set, Goodman Brown leaving his wife for at the beginning, represents him walking away from faith in God. Nether less, Faith is introduce to readers as being a devoted wife, who warns her husband to be wary, due to a dream that she had. On another

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