
Personal Rivalries In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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The love or lust for a specific individual is a common conflict in personal rivalries today. A universal understanding of the term rivalry is the competition for the same objective or superiority in the same field. Many rivalries are established in the chronicles of the Salem witch trials. These often correlate to the lust or love rivalries or personal rivalries between two or more characters. Arthur Miller's timeless classic The Crucible demonstrates the fight between good and evil of rivalries through an engaging plot. Personal rivalries are a major component in the theme of Arthur Miller's play. Loyalty within one relationship, even friendship can cause many rivalries among themselves. When the rumors of witchcraft arose, Reverend Parris was a scapegoat. Many people had rivalries with him regarding their religious ruling, therefore he was an easy target to blame for the incidents. For example, his niece, Abigail Williams was thought to be a witch, and to add to the suspicion, Reverend had full control of her at the time. Reverend assured the people, "No-no. There be no unnatural cause here", realizing he was being attacked because the people did not agree with his ways, he quickly shut down any rumors. They also began to spread false information about his niece which in return would hurt his reputation (Miller 9). Along with Reverend Parris' worrying, he becomes frantic and uneasy. This is seen when he nervously states, "For now my ministries at stake and perhaps

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