
Personification And The Oedipus Complex In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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A man without purpose or acceptance among his peers is most notably a man without the desire to exist. This theory becomes the mindset of the monster after being repeatedly rejected by human society. However, in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein this theory becomes even more relevant when the monster’s creator, Victor Frankenstein, abandons him. These events can be expressed more comprehensively to the reader through personification and the Oedipus complex. An obvious example of the Oedipus complex in Frankenstein would be the continuing conflict between creator and creation. The conflict between Victor Frankenstein and his creation first envelopes when Victor is sleeping and awakes to “the miserable monster whom I had created” (Mary S). This quote emphasizes how Victor has already concluded that he dislikes his creation, of whom has no one else to turn for guidance. Rather than greet his creation upon first contact and make him feel accepted and unique in the world, Victor flees his apartment. After just coming to life in a strange world, who could imagine how it would also feel to be rejected by your own creator?
This story is unlike most creation stories where the creator dignifies and loves his/her creation. “Prometheus shaped man out of mud, and Prometheus loved man more than the Olympians” (Mythology: Prometheus). Through a famous mythological story, this quote shows how the relationship between creator and creation is typically a relationship of love and

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