
Perspective In Hamlet

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When analyzing The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Hamlet, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, many different themes can easily be identified that connect all three texts. The theme that is being investigated in this essay concentrates on perspective. Not only does perspective relate to these texts specifically, but perspective is a huge part of reality. The way that each individual interprets an object can vary enormously, but in the end the object is always the same. The reason individuals can interpret the same thing differently is due to their perspective. One may “Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else” (Stoppard 28), while the other only sees a way to escape, but in the end it's just a door. The theme “two different …show more content…

It is clear that the ghost throughout the play is nonexistent due to the fact that he has already been killed, and thus, not living. After Hamlet’s death it can also be concluded that he was at that point not existing, but it can also be proven that while Hamlet was still living he didn’t really exist. Again, the definition of existence is having objective reality, which is the understanding of how things really are. Throughout the play, there were scenes where it could be argued whether or not Hamlet was sane or insane, but by using clear examples of his transfers between sanity and insanity, it can be concluded that if Hamlet’s sanity is forever changing, then his judgement is being skewed and therefore he can’t exist if he cannot determine how things really are. If his degrees of sanity aren’t taken into play, we can see the two perspectives inside of Hamlet’s brain. His choice between revenging his father’s death and just killing him always end with Claudius dead and in the end nonexistent. An even stronger argument about Hamlet’s existence is that many of his soliloquies happen when he is sane, and in those he contemplates suicide, which would make him nonexistent. In Act One of Hamlet, after his father’s funeral and Claudius’ wedding, Hamlet is sane, yet even this early into the play he is …show more content…

That it should come to this! (Shakespeare 1.2.129-159) In this text Hamlet questions why suicide is a sin in God’s eyes and compares life to a garden full of weeds (Shakespeare and Crowther). He feels like his life is pointless and questions why he should live when nothing in his life is going right. It can then be concluded that when Hamlet is clearly insane he can’t exist, because he doesn’t have objective reality which is necessary to exist, and when he is sane he doesn’t want to exist which is clearly expressed in his dialogue above. With the final scene of the play ending with all but one character dead, it stands true that his play does in fact end as The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead due to the fact that their perspectives ending the same, with no one existing. Through Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, the perspectives of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern contrast with the actors watching them, but their outcomes are the same. Although both groups are in a play, only the other actors make that realization. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern on the other hand, are oblivious to their nonexistence. GUIL. What’s the first thing you

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